Dance Classes at Atrium

Dance classes help students discover the joy of movement while enhancing balance, posture, and overall fitness. Our current dance offerings are Dance Party Fitness; Contemporary Dance Flow, and (un)Ballet. All classes are designed for all-levels, including beginners! Check out the descriptions below for more information about each!

Dance Classes

Contemporary Dance Flow

An all-levels dance class designed for everyone! Whether you've never taken dance classes or it feels like a “lifetime” since you last danced or you actively dance and want a place to explore more basic movements in depth, this class is for you.

Each month will have a different focus to increase comfort, confidence, and freedom in your movement. You can of course drop into any class, but the first class of the month might be the best place to start if you are a super-beginner.

- You want to improve your coordination and ease of movement within your other practices like yoga or fitness.
- You love dancing (or WANT to love dancing!) but are nervous to jump into dance classes.
- You desire a low-impact movement practice to ease back into moving after years of being static due to the pandemic or other reasons.

Come experience dance movement as something you can incorporate into your life for physical health, mental wellbeing, and simple enjoyment.

This class is for anyone who wants to move, groove, break a sweat, and have a blast! Absolutely all experience levels and movement backgrounds are welcome—I hope to see you ALL on the dance floor!

THE ENERGY: "Dancing in your kitchen to the best jams" meets "80s/90s VHS Aerobics Tapes"

THE CLASS FLOW: Each song in the playlist will have its own choreography, or set of movements, which we will learn together. There will be a warmup at the beginning of class and a cooldown at the end, and each dance move will be taught with options for higher or lower impact (jumping or non jumping, for example.)

We will start a new playlist and choreography on the first class of each month. We'll keep that playlist for the month before changing it up, so if you come each week, you’ll be able to really get the moves down!

Wear comfy clothing. You can go barefoot or wear indoor-specific shoes.

The goal of this class is to bring the art form of classical ballet into a more progressive and inclusive space, because dance is for ALL!

Discover the joy and power of classical ballet technique in an environment that is judgment-free and self-love centered. All are welcome, whether you are trying dance for the first time, are a seasoned practitioner, or somewhere in between!

Class will begin with a warmup, followed by center exercises and across the floor phrases. Movements will be taught with different options and progressions so that folks of all experience levels can find their own rhythm within the collective class flow.

Dance Party Fitness


What Are Embodiment Classes?

Embodiment describes the mind-body connection and is the foundation of somatic therapy. In other words, it’s learning how to tune into the world around you through the sensory experiences of your body. Embodiment classes and workshops at Atrium provide a safe space for the exploration of expressive movement.

Embodiment Classes

Embodying Queerness

So much of the way that we explore queerness is intellectual. This course facilitates a play space to get curious about how we move through the world. We will use games, hands-on support, and guided exploration of expressive movement to investigate:

  • How we embody our queerness, both consciously and unconsciously.

  • How to create balance through the lens of the body.

  • Our potential for agency, rest, action, & expansion.

  • Other themes that arise tailored to the curiosities of the group.

Come for both play and restoration, stay for the unraveling of the habitual socio-cultural costumes that we wear in our bodies. Series material will be rooted in Contemporary Alexander Technique, body mapping, and inner-body movement research, and can all be participated in using any mobility device (the space is ADA accessible).

This will be a closed series (not drop-in)—registration is for at least four of the five weeks so that we can go deep together.

Why Try A Dance or Embodiment Class?

  • Dance classes are a low-impact way to improve your coordination and ease of movement.

  • Dancing and mindfulness practices can promote an overall sense of well-being and self-acceptance. Nurturing the mind-body connection through dance can be an incredibly rich and empowering experience.

  • Both our dance and embodiment classes offer a safe space to play and explore. As you learn new steps and master different dance styles, you’ll build more confidence to take on challenges in your life outside the studio.